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WOWFusion Charts

WOWFusion Charts
Why WOWFusion Charts?

The WOW Factor
WOWFusion Charts integrate seamlessly with your WOW applications to create slick dynamic dashboards and other visual presentations of your data that will undoubtedly "WOW" your users.

Efficiency Factor
With WOWFusion Charts, there are no bulky Active-X objects loading into memory and putting tremendous strain on your server.

Versatile and Flexible
Do you get sleek looking animated and interactive charts with other solutions? Do they offer you options like hover captions, animation patterns, hot spots, and more?

Dynamic Charts
Along with the power of WOW, WOWFusion Charts will automatically keep itself updated with the latest data sources in the database.

Small Sized Component
The file size of the component is very small and is very suitable for the narrow band connections.

Many Additional Features
WOWFusion Charts offers you a plethora of customization options like setting transparency, color themes, hotspots, hover captions, and many more!

WOWFusion takes an already awesome product and extends its capabilities to be able to do graphical representations of data. In very little time, I was able to create a dashboard over some of our data. PlanetJ is definitiely on the right track.
WOWFusion Charts 1.0
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