The immunization application built using WOW for AHCS functions appears as below: (Due to privacy laws in accordance with HIPAA, patient names have been removed from the screen shown).
Those authorized will sign in on secured web site,
The information that can be accessed from AHCS's databases:
- Patient name
- Age
- Immunization
Once clicking on the last name of the patient, further
information can be drilled into from AHCS's databases.
As you can imagine, security is of utmost importance to medical professionals. Using this application, the end user can enter the site from any browser.
The firewall securely directs the request using SSL encryption and then forwards the requests to WOW, which is running on top of Tomcat application
Another application that AHCS developed using the WOW enables a way to view and update a surgery encounter report. A secured login is required as
seen below: (again based on privacy laws, patient sensitive information has been removed from the pictures).